My name is Michel LeMiaoux. At the moment, I’m in the middle of something terribly important, but at the behest of Princess Dawn, I will spare you a few minutes of my time.
Sharp-Witted Stalwart

You want me to tell you about myself? If this is some sort of interview, I’ll have you know I am perfectly happy in my current position working for the royal family of Roncefleur. We’re woefully understaffed, but I manage whoever we can hire.

Roncefleur’s royal family is far from popular within the empire. I have warned the royal family that those murderous revolutionaries pose a very real threat to our empire and must be quelled at once. I have lost loved ones to them before, and I would fight to the death to protect Roncefleur’s royal family from that same fate. I owe a great deal to them, especially Princess Dawn. Why? That’s none of your concern.
I can’t claim to be a fierce warrior, but I’m one of the few creatures in the brigade with anything more than passable domestic skills, and somebeast needs to keep order in the camp. Still, I have dark magic and daggers at my disposal, and some talent for stealth, thanks to Prince Delombre’s training. At the castle, I assisted him with his nighttime experiments in exchange for training in those areas.
Is that smoke in the air? I should see what Soufflé is up to. It doesn’t end well when she handles any delicate task. Come to think of it, it rarely ends well when she handles ANY task. It’s a miracle she hasn’t accidentally killed her nephew, Nougat. Soufflé is lucky Princess Dawn likes her. She’s more trouble than the other staff I manage combined. However, Princess Dawn would be terribly upset if anything happened to Soufflé, so I could never dismiss her. And she has nowhere else to go…rather like myself.
I still smell smoke. I do hope Soufflé didn’t burn the bread. It seems my work will have to resume another time.