I’m Soufflé the Chicken. Pleased to meet you! I...don’t quite know what to say about myself.
Soft-Hearted Stalwart

I use light magic to heal and defend my friends. I’m not much better at fighting than I am at domestic work, though I can put up tents quickly and can start a fire faster than anybeast. That isn’t always a good combination; I’ve set the tents on fire more than once. I’m good at foraging, too. I had plenty practice when I was growing up.
My sister Quiche and I have always supported each other. We had a hard life until Princess Lysette gave us a chance and hired us at the castle as servants. I’ll always be grateful to the Roncefleurais royal family, and it breaks my heart to leave them. I tried my hardest to be a good servant, but sometimes I think I tried a little too hard and ruined everything I did. Quiche is always so kind and forgiving. I’m glad I have a sister as kind and skilled as her. I don’t know what I’d do without her.
Now I know. I’ve been taking care of her son Nougat for some time now. He’s the cutest little pile of fluff you’ll ever see, but it’s so much work keeping him out of trouble. Nougat is curious about everything and anything.
Meanwhile I’m still trying to find my purpose in life. At one point, I tried being a cleric, but I’m not any better at being a servant to the Divine Father than being a servant to the royal family. All I know is I want to take care of others, as a way of paying back the animals who helped me through life. At least as a cleric I learned to use light magic, so I can be useful that way…with more practice. I feel terrible about leaving the Roncefleurais royal family when they’ve been so kind...well, for the most part. Even Princess Lysette has covered up or turned a blind eye to my mistakes.
Pardon? You smell smoke? I don’t smell it. Wait…is that coming from the kitchen…? BY THE FEATHER, THE BREAD IS BURNING! THE BREAD IS BURNING! Not again! I must go. Goodbye! Ohhhh, Michel is going to have something to say about this…